Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Busting Common Web Design Myths

The New York Web Design in WearInteractive believes in flexibility: building impressionable websites that incorporate both client needs with user experience. Web development is never easy; especially in this competitive age. Web design companies often have to balance creativity with productivity – which in most cases isn't always the outcome. 

Many first-time developers (and experienced ones too!) sometimes find themselves in a struggle when it comes to design basics. While it's so easy to simply outline a draft based on personal tastes and biases, this is counterproductive and can lead to unfruitful results. These 'biases' are oft the product of myths that have circulated in the industry and seemed to have crawled their way into designers everywhere.

Here are the top common web design myths – with straight-out facts.

CTA Should Be Above the Fold

CTA or 'call to action' are buttons or links which require the user to do something (like sign-up, log-in, or subscribe). Plenty of designers actually believe this to be true – particularly with the popularity of mobile design. This myth suggests that users will not scroll down for any offer or for more information.

According to a case study however, users are more than capable of doing this – and don't mind the process. What's important is the content: it has to be interesting and engaging enough that users would WANT to scroll and perhaps, sign-up or buy a service. This myth can be likened to a guideline; it's nice to have it there for reference, but shouldn't be meticulously followed.

Looks are Everything

New York web designers are among the best when it comes to website aesthetics. There's no surprise that an awesome page design will attract attention – but it can't hold it for long if that's all it is. Skilled web developers know that aesthetics is only part of the whole; a cog in a big machine.

While it pays to get the images and typography perfect, there's no point in it if users cannot find what they're looking for.

Flash is Always Cool

Widgets like Javascript and CSS make custom web designs more unique because they can be fun and interactive. A lot of popular sites use them to tell a unique storyline, enhance user experience, and to entertain site visitors. Just because it's flash content though, doesn't mean it's all that.

Effective websites can be built on simple HTML; and what's great is that it's compatible on almost every platform and browser. Opt for classic yet impressive instead of cool and complicated.

Websites are Sales Tools

Yes, it is: clients hire web design services to create functional websites to sell their products and/or services. But that's not all there is in a business goal; and it's not exactly what a customer wants when he first lands on a page.

Make websites that earn people's trust and keep their interests piqued before offering a sale. Not everyone who goes to a website is looking to buy stuff. Plan content carefully so as to properly allocate segments for potential leads and mere site visitors.

1 comment:

  1. Without digital marketing no business can expect high success from their web presence. But it should be in the perfect way.
